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Moderaterna - Fria Moderata Studentförbundet - MUF - Hans Zetterberg

Regeringen - Riksdagen - riksdagens revirsorer

Ratio - Timbro- Timbro links - Näringslivets Fond - Smedjan

Socialdemokraterna - Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv - S-länkar- Arena

LO - Svenskt Näringsliv - SNS

SverigeDirekt - offentliga sektorn

Conservatives - Labour - Parliament - Treasury - Downing Street

BBC Political links - Politico's/Britain's Premier Political Bookstore


http://www.polity.co.uk/ - Demos Think Tank - NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks

Deutscher Bundestag - Bundesregierung - CDU - CSU - SPD

U.S. Senate - Whitehouse - U.S. House of Representatives

Democratic Party - Republican Party

George Bush, the new one

Foreign Affairs

The Heritage Foundation Directory of Public Policy Organizations - A searchable database of the conservative movement

Heritage: Weekly Update on House and Senate Activity



Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments, Media and more from all around the world


Magellan politics_and_government

Yahoo Government/Politics/

Think Tank links (Demos)

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