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Wall Street Bubbles "They should co-ordinate macroeconomic policies to stop a steep global downturn"The best recipe for avoiding a global recession A US downturn will not be avoided. US households cannot continue to spend more than their income as they have in recent years, even if the credit crunch eases. Some other economies will also suffer home-grown recessions because they too allowed a housing bubble to develop, which has now burst. The world economy is about $60,000bn, so a first-round demand decline of as much as $1,800bn would be about 3 per cent of world output. If there were no offsetting macroeconomic policy changes, the demand decline could be multiplied further to as much as 6 per cent The writer is director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and special adviser to Ban Ki-Moon, UN secretary-general Innan politikerna börjar göra om kapitalismen bör de undvika en global nedgång, anser Jeffrey Sachs Kan man undvika recession i USA när man måste minska importen med 600 miljarder dollar? |