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Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)State of Horror The youngest state in Europe unilaterally declared independence in 2008. Kosovo’s parliament voted unanimously to secede from Serbia. The recent history of Kosovo had been embattled and bloody, in which Western states played a crucial role. Nato conducted a 70-day bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999 to repel an assault on Kosovar Albanians by Serb forces. Yet the most direct beneficiaries of Western commitment to Kosovo now stand accused of sickening crimes. Det har blivit en del uppmärksamhet kring Maciej Zarembas artikelserie om främst FN-administrationen i Kosovo.Det är ju en mindre smickrande bild som tecknas av de internationella insatserna. Carl Bildt blog 17 Juni, 2007 Carl Bildt, Utrikesminister Till sist fick kosovoalbanerna sitt land Kommentar av Rolf Englund As for the legality of the EU mission, the argument is that there is nothing to stop the EU from taking over from the UN, The counter-argument by Serbia and Russia is simpler. It is that Serbia, the sovereign state, has not agreed to independence for Kosovo, that there is no Security Council resolution authorising the detachment of Kosovo from Serbia and that therefore its independence is illegal. Some European Union members - Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania - agree, though they have not blocked the EU mission Serbia and Russia also say that 1244 itself gives no authority for independence. They point to article 10 of 1244 which authorises "substantial autonomy with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" for Kosovo, meaning, in their view, that 1244 blocks independence. Helsinki Accords or Helsinki Declaration, was the final act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe in December, 1975 among the United States and Canada, the Soviet Union and the countries of Europe (including Turkey but excluding Albania and Andorra).
It was signed by 35 countries. Nato carried out its threat to bomb Serbia on 24 March, When Kosovo declares its independence on Sunday, The fighters who clashed with Serbia’s security forces in 1999 will unfurl the banners over homes, shops and petrol stations. In the south, they will hang a huge flag over the picturesque Kacanik Gorge, the link from Kosovo to Macedonia and the rest of the Balkans. But those guerrillas who attend the official ceremony in Pristina, Kosovo’s drab capital, may be disappointed. There will be no eagles on the flags at the official independence celebrations. Indeed, there may be no flags at all.
Kosovofrågan känslig – säger Bildt
– Det här är inte ett självklart fall. Det här är första gången på nästan hundra år som vi har en genuint ny statbildning på den europeiska kontinenten. Det sker dessutom i former av mycket stark kontrovers både i FN:s säkerhetsråd och i regionen i dess helhet, säger Carl Bildt. Är det rätt att erkänna ett land som inte har kontroll över sitt territorium? Carl Bildt, a good Balkan Swede /Robin/ Cook was explaining that it is difficult for Britain to commit to the war without UN Security Council approval because the legal advice he had received was that such action would be illegal under international law. Det är väl alldeles uppenbart vem som startade Första Världskriget? Alla de som ogillar att Nato ingrep i Kosovo, att respekten
för de mänskliga rättigheterna vunnit mark på
statssuveränitetens bekostnad och att den internationella
krigsförbrytardomstolen fungerar, kort sagt alla de som ogillar att
demokratier sluter sig samman, har börjat vädra morgonluft. Tack gode Allah för Europeiska Unionen The general view is that prime minister John Major (and Hurd) did a deal with the German government to recognise Croatia in exchange for Russia links Kosovo with Georgia Convicted Australian al-Qaeda supporter David Hicks was transferred to a high security prison in his hometown of Adelaide on Sunday after spending more than five years at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In 1999, Hicks traveled to Albania, where he joined the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a paramilitary organization of ethnic Albanians fighting against Serbian forces in the Kosovo War, and served with them for two months. |