Lawrence Kudlow


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Caveat Emptor

Kudlow doomster???
Caveat Emptor
by Lawrence Kudlow

Kudlow's Money Politic$, 23/3 2007

On the one hand, inflation puffed up in January and February, an argument for Fed tightening. On the other hand, we have the sub-prime housing virus, by no means an economic positive (although it’s not the economic catastrophe the mainstream media is making it out to be).

Inflation-linked bond spreads have been widening, another excess-money signal. I don’t want to take the inflation threat too far, but...

Lurking behind all this is a historical footnote: It is possible to have slow growth and rising inflation — or too much money chasing very few goods. This translates to a whiff of stagflation, which is the Fed’s worst nightmare.

I don’t think there’s any need to desert the Goldilocks scenario just yet. There is in fact a reasonable chance the economy will surprise on the upside, as it has done so often in recent years.

Caveat emptor, Fed: When in doubt, don’t cut rates.

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Caveat emptor

Turn off the nightly Larry Kudlow sis-boom-bah routine and utilize your own ability to see through the lunacy.
Asset values have begun heading down and we are nowhere near "the bottom."
Steve Moyer - The Market Oracle, 31/3 2007

Kudlow On The Trade Deficit
Mr. Kudlow's rhetoric typifies an ongoing Wall Street, government, and media propaganda effort
that would even amaze George Orwell.
Peter Schiff 11/3 2005

Mr. Kudlow is chief economist of American Skandia Life Assurance Corp.
The Wall Street Journal May 9, 1997

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