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Vem vann Vietnam-kriget?Forty years ago, on April 30, 1975 The event, known in the United States as the fall of Saigon and conjuring Kham Thien Street, a broad avenue in the city center, bustles with motorbikes and shops selling clothing and iPhones. There’s little evidence that some 2,000 homes were destroyed and nearly 300 people killed nearby during the 1972 “Christmas bombing,” “The U.S. tried to inscribe the war in Vietnam into its Cold War campaign,” Thomas Bass, a historian and journalism professor at University at Albany, State University of New York, told me. “North Vietnamese were evil communists, and the free and independent people of the South were to be protected.”
Att debatten blir så konstig kan bara förklaras av att ingen riktigt vill acceptera faktum, - Tiden när Nationalteatern ljudsatte fabriksgolvet är grogrunden för boken. Some of Kennedy’s most ardent admirers still like to believe that he would have prevented the escalation of the Vietnam War had he lived longer.
McDonald's i Ho Chi Minh City "On the menu front, in addition to McDonald's iconic choices such as the Big Mac and world-famous French fries, the first restaurant in Vietnam will launch the McPork line of burgers, which was especially created to reflect local Vietnamese tastes," Detta skär nog i hjärtat på gamla FNL-are. Bra. Vietnam's President Truong Tan Sang and US President Barack Obama have met for landmark talks in Washington.
Kommentar av Rolf Englund
His company, Trung Nguyen Corporation, is based in Ho Chi Minh City - formerly Saigon - but his wealth is based in the Central Highlands around Buon Ma Thuot, the country's coffee capital. Chairman Vu, as he is nicknamed, owns five Bentleys and 10 Ferraris and Forbes magazine assessed him to be worth $100m. That's in a country where the average annual income is $1,300. ”Vad lärde du dig om Vietnam?” ”Tja, vissa grejer funkar, andra inte … Just den grejen funkade inte.” Filmtrailer: The Unknown Known Learn to say ‘I don’t know.’ If used when appropriate, it will be often.
![]() Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Vietnamese Minister of Defense Gen. Pham Van Tra participate in a ceremony officially welcoming Rumsfeld to Hanoi If you are working from your inbox, you are working on other people's priorities. There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know.
Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown - A Memoir Den 17 april 1975 - Pol Pots styrkor intar Phnom Penh. Den 30 april 1975 intog Nordvietnamesiska trupper med ryskbyggda stridsvagnar Kapitalismens rykte var också i botten efter stagflation "Den 27 augusti 1975 slog nyheten ned som en bomb i den svenska debatten" The problem is that Vietnam has gone straight from collectivisation
The internet is awash with stories about arbitrary land grabs, prisoners of conscience and the antics of the party’s privileged offspring. Much of the growth is thanks to exports. Samsung’s factory alone, which employs 30,000 people, will soon be churning out up to one in five of all smartphones sold globally. One hope of breaking the logjam is the trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement being negotiated between the US and several Asian states, including Vietnam. Summers Says Euro Crisis Approach Evokes U.S. in Vietnam War - Det var här FNL brakade igenom järngrindarna den 30 april 1975.
Men det var inte FNL, utan Nordvietnamesiska trupper, med ryska stridsvagnar, som brakade igenom grindarna. Rolf Englund blog 29 augusti 2012 "After smoking a cigarette, Tran Viet Ca, a 24-year-old private, told the Americans he had served seven years in the North Vietnamese Army," he wrote. "Two days ago we attacked Bien Hoa," he said. "Today we drove down the highway past the United States Army base at Long Binh. "Our forces were led by a brigade of tanks. There was a little resistance, but most Saigon soldiers had already run away. Then we drove into Saigon." George Esper: Fall of Saigon reporter dies at 79 Has Vietnam turned a corner and become a good opportunity for investors? Vietnam is a "work in progress" with governance and transparency of data gradually improving, Tai Hui, Regional Head of Economic Research, SE Asia at Standard Chartered Bank told CNBC. For those people that are looking at the frontier markets, Cambodia offers a better return, said Simon Grose-Hodge, Head of Investment advisory at LGT Bank. Under protesterna mot USA:s brutala krigföring i Vietnam började stora delar av vänstern att betrakta nationell suveränitet som ett överordnat värde. Palmes vän i FNL-gerillan I oktober 1972 höll madame Binh ett tal på den socialdemokratiska partikongressen Att madam Binh kallar FNL-rörelsen för Viet Cong kanske förvånar många gamla FNL-are, som har uppfattningen att "VC" var ett nedsättande amerikanskt ord. Men många vietnameser använder detta ord i stället för "FNL" eller "FNL-gerillan" i dagens Vietnam. Slut citat Kommentar av Rolf Englund: Det som då /1968/ hände visade att kommunismen inte lät sig reformeras, The first thing you notice when you arrive in Vietnam is the thousands of scooters. Vietnam's main stock index, which had risen more than fivefold over the past four years as investors were drawn by economic growth averaging 7.5pc since 1990, is showing signs of weakness. Louis Vuitton, Gorbatjov och berlinmuren Porsche has decided to select HCM City as the place to enter Vietnam. “This is the right time for Porsche in Vietnam,” Two years after the US withdrawal, US President George W Bush: När jag började skriva tyckte jag att det verkade vara en helt knasig ståndpunkt att stödja röda khmererna. Kommunistledningen i Nordvietnam ville 1954 inkorporera även Sydvietnam i sitt system. Det kostade enligt uppgift tre miljoner människoliv. Den som är intresserad av den svenska propagandans förvånansvärt grova uttrycksmedel kan ta del av Kungliga Bibliotekets samlingar av affischer. Idag skulle vi väl alla säga att det var kommunister som låg bakom snarare än några välmenande humanister. Vad var det då FNL-aktivisterna och deras medlöpare kämpade för? Och vad offrade tre miljoner vietnameser livet för? Idag visar de överlevande vietnameserna upp sina ryska tanks och Mig-flygplan i en nostalgisk bild av kriget. Den påminner om ryssarnas sätt att under sovjettiden beskriva stormningen av Vinterpalatset och pansarkryssaren Auroras beskjutning av detta vid Lenins statskupp i Petrograd 1917 då han tog makten från från de riktiga revolutionärerna som avsatt tsaren i mars samma år. "1960 bildades FNL, den
sydvietnamesiska befrielsefronten som
med starkt nordvietnamesiskt stöd kämpade för en återförening." Den svenska statstelevisionen 27 april 2005 Men hade denna gång rätt lag vunnit? Letter From Mr Daniel J. Aronoff, FT March 21 2011 John Kay provides an enlightening discussion of our awkwardness in thinking about contingent events that cannot be pressed into a probabilistic framework – Rumsfeldian “unknown unknowns” John Maynard Keynes, the eminent early 20th-century theoretician of probability, encapsulated the concept brilliantly in an article he wrote on another subject, economics: “By ‘uncertain’ knowledge, let me explain, I do not mean merely to distinguish what is known for certain from what is only probable. The game of roulette is not subject, in this sense, to uncertainty; nor is the prospect of a Victory bond being drawn. Or, again, the expectation of life is only slightly uncertain. Even the weather is only moderately uncertain. “The sense in which I am using the term is that in which the prospect of a European war is uncertain, or the price of copper and the rate of interest 20 years hence, or the obsolescence of a new invention, or the position of private wealth-owners in the social system in 1970. About these matters there is no scientific basis on which to form any calculable probability whatever. We simply do not know.” Known and Unknown: A Memoir [Hardcover] Donald Rumsfeld förbereder lanseringen av sin webbsida, The Rumsfeld Papers. I översättning betyder det ungefär: ”…som vi vet finns det kända saker vi vet: vi vet om att vi vet det. Vi vet också att det kända okända finns, det vill säga att vi vet att det finns saker vi inte vet. Men det finns också det okända okända – det vi inte vet att vi inte vet.” The State Audit of Vietnam and the Ernst & Young Vietnam (EYVN) signed a cooperation agreement in Hanoi on June 25 2010 Vietnamrörelsen blev en folkrörelse och de flesta var med. |