Skuldfrågan/ Who is responsible? SIV = structured investment vehicle ![]() Financial Crisis |
Home - Index - News - Kronkursförsvaret 1992 - EMU - Economics - Cataclysm - Wall Street Bubbles - US Dollar - Houseprices - Contact Banks...Basel - Too Big To Fail - The Volcker Rule - Finanskrisen/The Great Recession ![]() Ur Rolf Englund, Den Stora bankkraschen, Timbro, 1983, sidan 15
Så här blir du bank Recall that the conventional story in which banks merely channel existing funds from savers to those with investments to finance is wrong. Svaret på galaxens alla frågor är inte 42. The legacy of the great crash of 2008 — economic, financial and political — hangs heavy in the air: How Greece Is Scrambling to Save Its Banks — Again Bank runs in the digital era He /former Canadian central banker Mark Zelmer/ the argues that “past experience” has shown how quickly runs can take place in a digital world, and that the risk may grow due to the introduction of Open Banking, which was introduced in the UK last year to require banks to allow third parties to access account data Once, you closed down the bank. Now, it’s the internet you’d have to close. Minsky Peter Praet, the ECB’s chief economist, told a Financial Times conference that Under krisåren spenderade EU-länderna sammanlagt över 2 000 miljarder euro i skattepengar för att rädda banker. Grekland, Irland, Portugal, Spanien och Cypern fick alla enorma räddningslån från EU och IMF, ... - Den stora risken var att Grekland skulle utlösa en kris i italienska, franska och tyska banker. Småstadsbank blev nordisk jätte – när gick det fel? Vi som barn läste Lyckoslanten har en lika romantisk som felaktig bild av banker Är storbankerna så stresståliga som Finansinspektionen antyder? Alldeles nyligen presenterade Riksbanken sin senaste finansiella stabilitetsrapport. Där skriver den svenska centralbanken att vissa av storbankerna både spås få brist på utländska valutor och svenska kronor i en kris. Riksbanken bedömer till exempel att en del av bankerna bara har buffert för tre dagar i en stressad situation. Det stannar inte där. Enligt Riksbanken är storbankernas affärer så insyltade i varandra att det motsvarar 40 procent av det viktiga kärnkapitalet. Bankernas utlåning till hushållen - Swedbank störst Av 3 597 048 MSEK i utlåning till hushållen står Swedbank, Handelsbanken, SEB och Nordea för 74 %. Bankcheferna tror inte på kris: Sweden Håller vi på att återuppleva 2007? --- --- Rolf Englund på Nationalekonomiska Föreningen januari 1990 Vi ser också att affärsbankernas lånestock i utländsk valuta är nästan lika stor som den är i svenska kronor. Fyra svenska börsbolag står för nästan hälften - 46 procent - av storbolagens samlade utdelningar. Det är inte längre för att Sverige säljer bilar, malm och skog som tillväxten ökar. Det är för att våra banker går så bra. I Katalys rapport No. 38 Finansialiseringen av Sverige visar rapportförfattarna Markus Kallifatides och Claes Belfrage att svenskt samhällsliv finansialiserats. Bankernas utlandslån 8.000 miljarder kronor Hjälp från USA spelade en avgörande roll för svensk ekonomi under den förra finanskrisen. Krisen drabbade inte minst svenska banker som lånar det mesta av sina pengar på kreditmarknaden i stället för från vanliga sparare – pengar som de sedan lånar ut till exempelvis bolånetagare. Svenska banker tar också stora lån i dollar, och när finanskrisen slog till fanns det helt plötsligt inga dollar som bankerna kunde låna för att betala sina skulder. Situationen var mycket allvarlig och räddades av den amerikanska centralbanken som gick med på att förse Riksbanken med tillräckligt med dollar för att rädda de svenska bankerna. Hushållens höga och stigande skuldsättning utgör ett allvarligt hot mot den finansiella och den makroekonomiska stabiliteten. Riksbankens rapport De svenska storbankernas strukturella likviditetsrisker Tidigare hanterades bolånen av särskilda bolåneinstitut. De gav ut bostadsobligationer med mycket långa löptider, som svarade mot låntagarnas amorteringstider. Problemet är att löptiden på bankernas tillgångar är mycket längre. De svenska storbankernas strukturella likviditetsrisker Finansiella stabilitetsrådet skall vara redo vid skarpt läge Stockholm och andra svenska storstäder kan bli det Nya Norrland, fast i en ond spiral av utflyttning och bristande affärsunderlag. Basel So a bigger proportion of mortgages make the risk weighting look small compared with total assets. Deutsche Bank AG and Commerzbank AG will be affected more than most big lenders and may have to raise additional capital, Catherine Mann, the OECD’s chief economist, Canada and Sweden, Storbankerna är skyldiga att hålla en viss mängd tillgångar som ses som likvida, som alltså enkelt kan säljas vid behov. Per Bolund säger att Finansdepartementet inte har gjort några egna stresstester av systemet med bostadsobligationer. Riksbanken Då storbankerna är exponerade på flera marknader anser banken bland annat att Finansinspektionen bör ställa krav på likviditetstäckningskrav i alla väsentliga valutor
– Under alla de negativa scenarior som vi kan tänka oss Någon som länge varnat för åska och storm är riksbankschef Stefan Ingves. FI-chefen Erik Thedéen å sin sida gillar riskvägda mått – att banken behöver ha mer egna pengar när de lånar ut till byggbolaget Svea än till familjen Svensson som vill köpa en lägenhet. Svenska storbanker kan tvingas låna upp 588 miljarder kronor i efterställda lån, zc Bank lending in 2018 looks a lot like bank lending pre-2008. In aggregate, global debt now stands at close to $250tn, according to the Institute of International Finance, The world has not learned the lessons of the financial crisis Europe’s banking union lacks the key element of deposit insurance Turkish lira tumbles further as crisis mounts How To Deal With Failed Banks During the global financial crisis, policymakers faced a steep trade-off in handling bank failures. Using public funds to rescue failing banks (bail-outs) could weaken market discipline and lead to excessive risk taking—the moral hazard effect. Letting private investors absorb the losses (bail-ins) could destabilize the financial sector and the economy as a whole—the spillover effect. In most cases, banks were bailed out. This created public resentment and prompted policymakers to introduce measures to shift the burden of bank resolution away from taxpayers to private investors. Lehman Brothers When Richard Fuld, the chief executive of Lehman Brothers, received the news in 2008 that no one would ride to the rescue of his failing bank, he is reported to have said: “So I’m the schmuck?” The sheer complexity of pensions also helps to make them a much more attractive place to bear risks. Few understand them, so they tend not to be the subject of mainstream debate. China’s $10 trillion ecosystem of unregulated lending, known as shadow banking. German savings banks, known as Sparkassen, form an important feature of the country's banking assets. European banks still have post-crisis repairs to do “In the early days of the crisis the European banks were in worse shape than the US banks and they hid it because... Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson and Timothy Geithner Martin Wolf: My own view is that the people, including Geithner, who dealt with this crisis made big mistakes
but also saved the world from another Great Depression Should stresses emerge, market liquidity will evaporate again: Banks may be disguising their borrowings Lenders use repurchase agreements -- known as repos -- to massage down their assets as reporting dates approach, typically as quarters end, Post-crisis, financial regulators decided to nominate a select few GSifis Bankunion Att /för Sverige/ bara lämna walk-over och ställa sig utanför bankunionen med motiveringen att detta är ett sätt för euroländerna att hantera sina självförvållade problem är inget självklart val. När det gäller hanteringen av krisbanker enligt resolutionsmekanismen SRM, som innefattar resolutionsfonden och resolutionsstyrelsen, Euron lyfter Sverige Sluta dalta med krisbankerna What fixes does the euro really need? Mario Draghi, the euro’s central banker, inimitably set out what this means in his speech in Florence last month; Italy turmoil shows banking ‘doom loop’ still a powerful force The idea that Italy could vote in a referendum to leave the eurozone and bring back the lira still sounds far-fetched to most investors. But even the faintest chance of such a dire outcome for anyone holding Italian sovereign bonds was enough to prompt Moody’s to put the credit ratings of 12 Italian banks on review for downgrade last week. The reason the Italian political crisis caused so much angst was the ill health of Europe’s banks I find it unforgivable that the last Irish government guaranteed bank debt so insouciantly and that the rest of the European Union has supported this decision. How to Escape Basel III Doom Loop The European Commission is urging governments and the European Parliament to complete the EU’s banking union by 2019 The European Union's effort to break the link between banks and government debt may make things worse. However, if the price of these bonds plummets -- or, worse, if these bonds have to be restructured -- banks get into trouble, as Greek banks found. RBS Government’s stake is worth around £24bn, Even adding back the £6bn the Government creamed off RBS via the so-called “asset protection scheme”, that’s quite a loss to the public purse. I am no populist. The reason the Italian political crisis caused so much angst was the ill health of Europe’s banks This makes them vulnerable to risks such as an Italian default. It is European banking health that makes any risk to the structure of the eurozone so toxic. Banks today are much better capitalised than before, and much of the risky lending is now occurring in the non-bank world, Just a few days ago the IMF warned about the risks of overheating in risky loan and bonds markets. To protect the economy from future mega-bank failures, much more work needs to be done. Twin reports by the IMF sketch a chain-reaction of dangerous consequences for world finance. Taken together, existing capital requirements and stress tests still aren't enough to prepare banks for a real crisis.
Recall that the conventional story in which banks merely channel existing funds from savers to those with investments to finance is wrong. Crisis and Response: An FDIC History, 2008–2013 US ‘too big to fail’ The Coming Financial Crisis In the business of accepting time deposits, a banker is a dealer in credit, acting as an intermediary between lenders and borrowers. In 1934, to restore confidence in commercial banks, the US government instituted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) deposit insurance in the amount of $2,500 per depositor per bank, eventually raising coverage to today’s $250,000. Earlier this year, Fed Chair Janet Yellen explained how she doesn’t think we’ll have another financial crisis “in our lifetimes.” Ben Bernanke said in May 2007 As many of you know, I have spent much of the last seven years explaining to anyone who will listen that banks do not "lend out" deposits or reserves. Regulators approve living wills designed to avert future bailouts The revised Basel bank-capital standards are complete at last Europe’s banks are stronger than they were, but not strong enough The European Commission is pushing ahead on yet another front. It is urging governments and the European Parliament to complete the EU’s banking union by 2019 and thus cut the “doom loop”, in which weak banks and sovereigns drag each other down One big missing piece is a common European deposit-insurance scheme. Germans and other northerners have balked at the thought of bailing out supposedly feckless southerners. To allay such fears, the commission wants to go gradually Among their other shortcomings, banks had done too little, too late, to recognise losses on wobbly assets. “Shadow banking” The most devastating runs of the 2008 financial crisis were not on bank deposits — as happened during the Great Depression —
As many of you know, I have spent much of the last seven years explaining to anyone who will listen that banks do not "lend out" deposits or reserves. Banking remains far too undercapitalised for comfort Western capitalism has few sacred cows left.
Italy’s €17bn bank rescue deal Italy will commit as much as 17 billion euros ($19 billion) to clean up two failed banks Markets Don't Trust Banks, and They're Right Almost a decade after a crisis that nearly brought down the global financial system, markets still aren’t showing much confidence in banks. It’s understandable that, after years of wrangling and thousands of pages of new rules, regulators might want to consider their mission accomplished. Yet, as former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers has taken to pointing out, markets don’t appear to believe that banks are much healthier. This is evident in how they value equity -- that is, the amount by which a bank says its assets exceed its liabilities. Back in the early 2000s, investors often paid $2 or more for each dollar in book equity, a sign that they trusted banks’ accounting and expected to reap significant profits. Now, though, even after the mini-boom following Donald Trump’s election, they’re valuing the largest five U.S. banks at about $1.16 per dollar of book equity, and the top five European banks even less. Monte dei Paschi rescue deal now close A decade after the crisis, how are the world’s banks doing? IMF Global Financial Stability Report Glass-Steagall was one of the most successful financial laws Congress has ever enacted. Deutsche Bank Seeks $8.6 Billion Selling Shares at 35% Discount The bank said previously that the latest share sale would boost its common equity Tier 1 ratio, a key benchmark of financial strength, to 14.1 percent and vowed to keep it “comfortably above” 13 percent. The measure stood at 11.9 percent at the end of 2016. Postmortem plans for banks under threat of exinction Banks globally have paid $321 billion in fines since 2008 Why are German banks the only ones backtracking on integration? The global financial system is no safer today than it was in 2007. Just €300bn Risky banks face higher capital needs from latest Basel reforms Deutsche Bank More than nine years after the start of the global financial crisis, This should not be surprising. But it should be disturbing. Since August 2007 the 471 financial companies that form Datastream’s financials equities sector
Italy’s banking woes have the potential to wipe out investors and The 2007-08 episode clearly demonstrated that financial crises, particularly when they involve the banking sector,
If the Fed wants the big banks to ease off on lending to the commercial real estate sector, for example, The big bank bloodbath:
At 20 big banks, plunging share prices this year have erased a quarter of their combined market value I agree with those who reacted to Mr Renzi’s proposal by saying
But, as Angela Merkel, German chancellor, has pointed out... The writer is vice-chairman of BlackRock and a former chairman of the governing board of the Swiss National Bank Shares in Italy’s two largest banks Intesa Sanpaolo and UniCredit,
Will IT disrupt finance? Stocks Tumble After Fed Plans Too-Big-To-Fail Bank Counterparty Risk Cap What is 'Tier 1 Capital' Bill Gross says negative rates are going to crush the banks Baltikum Swedbank SEB och Bolånen Royal Bank of Scotland's shares dived 8 pc as the bank reported The bailed-out bank lost £2bn in the year, taking its total losses since the financial crisis to £ 51.6 bn. Sub-zero central bank rates should be welcomed, not lamented,Sandbu European stock markets rallied for a second straight session on Monday, A negative feedback loop between bail-in instruments and equity has developed, leading to a loss of confidence.
Basel The Stoxx 600 index of European financial institutions fell 5.6 per cent on Monday Deutsche has one of the weakest capital ratios among large global banks. Deutsche Bank Is Forced To Issue Statement Defending Its Liquidity Deutsche Bank Co-Co bond yields hit 12%. Why coco bonds are worrying investors Banks The early books after the crash, like Andrew Ross Sorkin’s “Too Big to Fail”, analysed how the collapse unfolded in minute detail; “We need some of the things that Citigroup and Goldman Sachs do, but we do not need Citigroup and Goldman Sachs to do them,” he writes. Banks are Not Intermediaries of Loanable Funds – and Why This Matters Draghi would like his trillion euros to go to Italian factories to re-equip themselves, to Greek tourist resorts to smarten themselves up, Svenska storbanker kan tvingas låna upp 588 miljarder kronor i efterställda lån, Finanskriskommittén Ingen av garantierna behövde infrias. – Jag tycker att det var en lyckad åtgärd. Den sattes in när svenska och utländska banker hade finansieringsproblem och därför behövde den här typen av statligt stöd, säger Lars Hörngren, chefsekonom på Riksgälden och tidigare ordförande i Finanskriskommittén. – Det var för att säkra kreditgivningen under kristiden. BNP föll för att exporten drabbades
Anders Borg är duktig, men tänk om de goda tiderna beror på bostadsbubblan, som på Irland Finanskriskommittén
Staten kan sedan sälja hela eller delar av verksamheten eller driva den vidare och genom rekonstruktionsåtgärder på nytt göra den livskraftig. Bakgrund I december 2013 antog EU ett direktiv som syftar till att ge medlemsstaterna de befogenheter som krävs
för att utan spridningseffekter till andra banker och utan stora kostnader för staten hantera banker i kris.
Will the asset quality review and stress tests conducted by the European Central Bank and the European Banking Authority mark a turning point in the eurozone’s crisis?
America’s eight biggest banks used to have 23 times more loans and investments than loss-absorbing capital
I cannot think of a sillier approach to the problem than that suggested by Ms Admati. Anat argues that current capital requirements are grossly inadequate. Banks will never be entirely safe, she insists, until equity capital is expanded to 30pc of lending, roughly six times current requirements Any adverse consequences for lending, she argued, could be avoided by forcing bankers to suspend dividends and cut pay until they had achieved the new thresholds. Come again? No, that is not how banks would deal with such capital requirements. In practice, they would shrink their balance sheets to match, regardless of any ban on dividends and bonuses, with devastating consequences for the wider economy. Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman who gave his name to a new rule that limits commercial banks from using deposits for risky proprietary trading, once confided that his rule would only work if it were kept simple enough to be written on half a page.
The age of the mega investment banks, with their free ride on government-guaranteed deposits, may be over
“The Bankers’ New Clothes: What’s Wrong With Banking and What to Do About It,” She left him with a copy of “The Bankers’ New Clothes: What’s Wrong With Banking and What to Do About It,” a 2013 book she co-authored. This is the most important book to have come out of the financial crisis. The Bankers’ New Clothes start The world's oldest surviving bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), has reported a bigger-than-expected loss.
The end game may have finally arrived for Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA. "extend and pretend."
Varifrån fick SEB 498 miljarder? Sverige i skuldfällan
De svenska bankerna har tillgångar som motsvarar fyra gånger Sveriges hela BNP. "Enligt vår uppfattning stod det finansiella systemet i Sverige inför en kollaps den 24 september 1992." Regeringen presenterade idag nya åtgärder kring hur den finansiella stabiliteten ska värnas Liksom tidigare var Peter Norman tydlig med att Sveriges stora banksektor är ett bekymmer.
Regeringen föreslår att bankerna ska betala en avgift för Riksbankens valutareserv, vars huvudsakliga syfte är att se till att svenska banker kan få tag i pengar i kristider eftersom de envisas med att vara beroende av utländska kapitalmarknader.
Regeringen skriver också i sin promemoria att avgifterna till den fond, Stabilitetsfonden, som ska användas för att stötta banker i kristider är för låga och att avgifterna ses över. Men det räcker inte. - Det svenska banksystemet är väldigt välkapitaliserat och robust och omvärlden ser med på avund på Sveriges finansiella stabilitet, sade Norman men tillade i nästa andetag: - Vi behöver öka bufferterna i det svenska banksystemet utöver redan aviserade och beslutade åtgärder. En paradox. Om nu de svenska bankerna är de finansiella fort som ministern (och bankerna själva) hävdar, varför behövs det ytterligare skyddsvallar? Sverige har ju redan tidigare sagt att kapitalnivåerna i svenska banker ska vara högre än vad regelverket i övriga EU kräver. En liten ledtråd kanske finns i en skrift som Riksbanken publicerade i somras. I rapporten behandlas så kallad bruttosoliditet, det vill säga hur mycket kapital bankerna har i förhållande till sina tillgångar utan hänsyn till olika komplicerade riskmodeller, ett ämne som bloggen bland annat avhandlat här, här och här.
I rapporten avslöjas att den största orsaken till att de svenska bankerna ökat sina kapitalnivåer de senaste åren är inte att det skjutits till pengar från ägarna utan att de riskvägda tillgångarna minskat. Det har skett genom att riskfylld utlåning minskat och lågriskutlåning ökat (läs bolån). Men den största effekten kommer från att bankerna omklassificerat låneportföljerna så att de själva tillåtits bedöma risken, vilket, som av en händelse, inneburit lägre kapitalkrav.
Riksbanken konstaterar också att svenska banker ligger ganska dåligt till när det gäller bruttosoliditet. Den genomsnittliga siffran (kapital genom skulder) för svenska banker är 3,4 procent, jämfört med det globala snittet på 3,8 procent. I de nya så kallade Basel III-reglerna är golvet satt vid 3 procent, vilket motsvarar att banken kan belåna varje krona i kapital 33 gånger om, något som skulle betraktas som en huvudlöst hög risk i vilken annan bransch som helst. Full text2012 var icke finansiella företag och hushållens skulder i Sverige uppe i 576 % av BNP mot eurozonens 340 % år 2011. De fyra svenska storbankerna Swedbank, SEB, Handelsbanken och Nordea visar på samlade ![]() "some malfunctions occurred and mistakes were made"
On Friday, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, the BNP Paribas’s CEO, sent a humble message to the bank’s 200,000 employees: ![]() Secular stagnation Part of the BEYOND SCARCITY SERIES Larry Summers was interviewed by Chrystia Freeland at the INET conference in Toronto last week, in a conversation that very usefully expanded upon his thoughts about secular stagnation. It’s a reassuring interview for us because so many of the statements he made echo what we (and other bloggers such as Steve Randy Waldman) have been saying for some time. Namely, that there’s something more significant going on in the industrialised global economy than the effects of a banking crisis per se, and that that *something* is probably related to technological abundance. More so, that this phenomenon is having strange macro effects on capitalist incentives. There was also a nod to the point we’ve made for a long time, that the financial intermediation industry loses its raison d’etre in such an environment, and worse than that, potentially becomes a malignant rather than constructive force on development and growth. In short, that negative rates are hardly the solution. Biggest US banks forced to hold $68bn in extra capital ![]() Wall Street banks and their foreign rivals have paid out $100bn in US legal settlements One of the abiding truisms of economics is that growth doesn’t happen without credit expansion. European Banking Authority (EBA) revealed what information would be published about each bank. It also revealed that, for the first time, what's known as a bank's "fully-loaded" common equity tier 1 capital ratio would be published.
European Banking Authority (EBA) Fed stress test: ... Of 30 banks tested, only Zions, a Utah-based lender, failed to maintain a minimum capital ratio of 5 per cent equity to risk-weighted assets.
Thousands of ECB auditors have begun examining the balance sheets of euro-zone banks. ![]() This week, the Federal Reserve will present the results of stress tests designed to ensure that the largest U.S. banks won't turn the next financial crisis into an economic disaster. Bankföreningens förslag om att fler bankkunder ska amortera är sunt. Men mellan raderna framgår att det tycks handla om att slippa andra bolåneregler – som skulle kosta bankerna betydligt mer.
These concerns have led the Bank of Italy to conduct its own intensive examinations across the nation, such as the one at Banca Alberobello, ahead of the ECB tests. From Banca di Sicilia in the deep south to Banco di Trento e Bolzano, in the German-speaking northeast, the Bank of Italy is staging its toughest examination of the nation’s banks in history.
RBS shares were down by more than 9% to around 320p.
Janet Yellen announced February 19th that America’s central bank is moving to EU, Ryssland och IMF bailar ut Ukrainas fordringsägare? Quick: I say "German banks," and what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Are banks dead?
A host of technological innovations, regulations and long-term trends have reshaped the financial sector… and not all for the better.
At the base of the Volcker rule is a sound principle – that federally insured deposits should be not be used for speculation. If banks want cheap funding from deposits, they must accept limits on what they can do with the money. Lex, Financial Times December 6, 2013 "This is the most important book to have come out of the financial crisis", Martin Wolf Martin Hellwig radar upp exempel på hur stresstesterna borde göras. Martin Hellwig betonar att många problem återfinns i det tyska banksystemet. Förutom de stora lånen till shipping finns det en överkapacitet i banksystemet och de tyska bankerna har för lite eget kapital. det största problemet är Landesbankerna. – De tyska landesbankerna (regionala banker delvis ägda av tyska delstater, reds anm.) har nästan aldrig tjänat några pengar men de älskas av tyska delstatsregeringar. För en politiker är en bank fantastisk, banken kan finansiera saker utan att politikerna behöver ta ansvar. ”The Bankers' New Clothes: What's Wrong with Banking and What to Do About It”.
Martin Hellwig ”The Bankers' New Clothes: What's Wrong with Banking and What to Do About It”
This is the most important book to have come out of the financial crisis. Link from FT November 29, 2013 Books of the Year This is the most important book to have come out of the financial crisis. Targeting return on equity, without consideration of risk, allows bankers to pay themselves egregiously, while making their institutions and the economy hugely unstable. It is two years since Mario Draghi launched his first big policy initiative as ECB president, Strong Governments, Weak Banks
13 miljarder dollar - 86 miljarder kronor It is the largest settlement ever between the US government and a corporation.
Prospect of a deal on Volcker rule worries banks
I bankvärlden är förändringen före och efter Lehman Brothers krasch dramatisk. Rodney Alfvén, ir-chef på Nordea, betonar att bankerna, vid finanskrisens upprinnelse, hade betydligt lägre likviditet än i dag. Anniversary of that Lehman collapse, is the system any safer or saner? Five years ago, the markets plunged into an Alice-in-Wonderland world. For when Lehman Brothers collapsed, the repercussions were so violent investors were faced with confronting “six impossible things before breakfast” each day, to paraphrase Lewis Carroll. There are at least six peculiar features that might make Alice blink The big banks are bigger – not smaller. The shadow banking world is taking over more activity, not less. The system depends more than ever on investor faith in central banks. The rich have become richer. Financiers have been prosecuted – but not for the credit bubble. Fannie and Freddie are alive and well. Eurozone banks need to shed €3.2tn in assets to meet Basel III Commerzbank - The second-biggest bank in Europe’s strongest economy Brussels is demanding that Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the world's oldest bank, be subjected to tougher penalties
Treasury secretary, Jacob J. Lew, effectively issued an ultimatum to Wall Street,
European Union reaches deal on failed banks Germany’s largest banks were €14bn short of the capital needed to meet incoming Basel III banking rules
Seven Dumb Things Bankers Say
Critics of the big banks -- including the editors of Bloomberg View -- argue that the main advantage of being a JPMorgan-size giant is the ability to extract a subsidy from taxpayers. The larger and more systemically threatening banks are, the more confident they and their creditors can be that the government will bail them out in an emergency. This too-big-to-fail status allows such banks to borrow at lower rates than they otherwise would -- a perverse incentive that undermines market discipline, artificially bloats the financial sector and promotes the kind of credit binges that end in crises. Michel Barnier, EU:s kommissionär för den inre marknaden, väntas inom kort lägga fram ett förslag om bankuppdelning baserat på idéer från Erkki Liikanen
What does a guarantee mean?
Banks have a powerful incentive to get big and unwieldy. The banks that are potentially the most dangerous can borrow at lower rates, because creditors perceive them as too big to fail. Lately, economists have tried to pin down exactly how much the subsidy lowers big banks’ borrowing costs. In one relatively thorough effort, two researchers -- Kenichi Ueda of the International Monetary Fund and Beatrice Weder di Mauro of the University of Mainz -- put the number at about 0.8 percentage point. The discount applies to all their liabilities, including bonds and customer deposits. Small as it might sound, 0.8 percentage point makes a big difference.
Värdet av de så kallade implicita statsgarantierna för bankerna
En rapport som även kollegan Carolina Neurath skrivit om nyligen. Titeln är: ”Lämplig kapitalnivå i svenska storbanker – en samhällsekonomisk analys” och publicerades i debember 2011. I rapporten konstateras att svenska bankers kapitalnivå i förhållande till de totala tillgångarna sjunkit stadigt, från cirka 17 procent på 20-talet till bara 4 procent för storbankerna idag. Värdet av de så kallade implicita statsgarantierna för bankerna,
Garantin har inneburit att bankerna lånat i genomsnitt 0,86 procentenheter billigare. Det motsvarar 30 miljarder om året,
Enligt vårpropositionen är riskerna i det svenska banksystemet i vissa avseenden större än i andra länder.
Sedan mitten av 1990-talet har hushållens skulder som andel av årlig disponibel inkomst, den så kallade skuldkvoten, ökat från 100 procent till 170 procent. OECD, Internationella Valutafonden och senast Europeiska kommissionen har alla påpekat riskerna med den höga belåningsgraden. "minst nio år med lågt resursutnyttjande"
De fyra svenska storbankerna Swedbank, SEB, Handelsbanken och Nordea visar på samlade
De totala skulderna är därmed 11 935 miljarder kronor. Som jämförelse kan nämnas att Sveriges BNP 2011 var cirka 3 500 miljarder. Inom EU är bankernas totala tillgångar 47 000 miljarder euro, vilket motsvarar 366 procent av BNP. (Det motsvarar över 400 000 miljarder kronor, svårt att förstå men sant). Krockkudden för denna utlåning, eller kapitalandelen, är i genomsnitt strax under 5 procent, enligt Bank of International Settlements. På 1800-talet var det inte ovanligt att bankerna hade så mycket som 50 procent i eget kapital. På den tiden bar nämligen ägarna fullt ansvar för alla förluster,
Finansministern har rätt, som när han i gårdagens DN-intervju pekade på
Faktum är att den så kallade krispolitiken från dag ett har handlat om en enda sak: att skydda och rädda bankerna.
Om du lånar en miljon är det ditt problem. Lånar du en miljard kan det snabbt bli bankens huvudvärk. Hundra eller tusen miljarder? Det får någon annan ta hand om, läs så kallat vanligt folk. Ganska få företagsägare kan tjäna enorma pengar på att trycka gaspedalen i botten och samtidigt surra fast ett lager av kvinnor, barn och pensionärer vid motorhuven som en skyddande krockkudde om det skulle inträffa tråkigheter längs vägen. Detta är ingen slump. Tidningen Fokus beskrev nyligen i ett reportage hur den internationella banklobbyn lyckades övertyga europeiska politiker om nödvändigheten av att ”rädda” skuldtyngda länder som Grekland genom att i praktiken hålla banker och finansbolag skadelösa. En manöver som ekonomiprofessorn Mats Persson kallar en av de största förmögenhetsöverföringarna någonsin från skattebetalare till bankägare. It comes to something when one of the world’s major banks admits to fraud, but that’s what UBS did On Wednesday in agreeing to pay USD 1.5 bn (SEK 9.825 miljarder) in fines for rigging inter-bank interest rates. For the 12 or so banks involved in Libor manipulation, regulatory sanction is actually the least of their worries. No, it’s in the potential for compensation that the real threat to the banking system lies. At any one time, the value of products based on Libor runs to hundreds of trillions of dollars. Potential losses from mis-stating Libor could therefore run to hundreds of billions of dollars. Utdelningsfest för bankerna
De fyra storbankerna Swedbank, SEB, Nordea och Handelsbanken väntas tillsammans dela ut närmare 29 miljarder kronor på vårens årsstämmor. Strax innan jul beslutade Riksbanken att förstärka den svenska valutareserven med 100 miljarder kronor.
– Hur jag än rådbråkar min hjärna har jag svårt att se ett scenario där vi inte kan låna i dollar, det är en överdriven rädsla, säger Bo Lundgren. Amorteringskrav - Vi ska följa den plan vi har lagt fast - stärka kraven på bankernas kapitaltäckning, öka riskvikterna och sedan se vad vi kan göra för att bankerna ska bli mindre beroende av växelkursberoende finansiering, säger Anders Borg. - Sedan får vi se hur hushållen reagerar. Vi vill inte åstadkomma en kraftig sättning på bostadsmarknaden. Finansministern har rätt, som när han i gårdagens DN-intervju pekade på
Bankerna har sedan slutet av 1990-talet gjort sig mycket mer beroende av lån i utländska pengar, främst dollar.
Funding - Bankernas Upplåning, som skall rullas runt – Poängen med en avgift eller kassakrav är att /bankerna/ ska gå ur en del av
Finansminister Anders Borg (M) anser att bankerna ska vara med och betala för en ökad valutareserv, genom avgifter eller ökade kassakrav.
– Eftersom bankerna skapar en risk för den finansiella stabiliteten är det bra och klokt om de får ta ett ekonomiskt ansvar för det, sade Borg till journalister efter en debatt i riksdagen. – Jag tror att vi långsiktigt behöver gå mot en större valutareserv. Vi har ett så pass stort banksystem och systemet har en så pass tung finansiering via valutamarknaderna att det är en risk för den finansiella stabiliteten. Riksbanken lyfte nyligen på nytt bankernas stora beroende av utländsk finansiering som en risk för den finansiella stabiliteten. Affärsbankernas lånestock i utländsk valuta är nästan lika stor som den är i svenska kronor.
Tittar man noga i bankernas balansräkningar kan man se att det är skillnad på å ena sidan ”inlåning” - insättarnas pengar – och å andra sidan ”upplåning” - pengar man lånat på marknaden bankerna emellan. Banker kan komma i betalningssvårigheter om insättarna kommer och ställer sig i kö för att ta ut sina pengar – vilket är ovanligt och väl i Sverige senast drabbade HSB. Banker kan också komma i betalningssvårigheter om de får bekymmer med sin ”upplåning”, dvs om andra banker, på goda eller dåliga grunder tror att banken har för mycket dåliga lån, inte vill rulla runt sina krediter. Det var detta som gjorde den svenska finanskrisen i början på 90-talet akut. Utländska banker misstrodde de svenska storbankerna med Handelsbanken och S-E-banken i spetsen. Mest misstrodde de Nordbanken och Götabanken. - Enligt vår uppfattning stod det finansiella systemet i Sverige inför en kollaps den 24 september 1992. Det skrev Göran Lind och den nuvarande riksbankschefen Stefan Ingves i Ekonomisk Debatt nr 1/1998 Rolf Englund blog 15 augusti 2007 British banks will have to raise £20bn-£50bn of new capital or dramatically restructure their businesses
The BoE’s new Financial Policy Committee yesterday said banks must report capital ratios which reflect a “proper valuation” of their assets and a “realistic assessment” of the cost of recent scandals, such as the manipulation of Libor and mis-selling of insurance products. The demand comes shortly after the International Monetary Fund called on European lenders to shore up balance sheets and adds to growing concerns that risk-weighted capital ratios are exaggerating the health of the global banking system. The Faustian Bargain between States and Banks
What's happening in Greece right now provides a dramatic example of how a state can make itself dependent on banks. The country is de facto insolvent and can no longer secure any loans on the financial markets. Nevertheless, it continues to be able to secure fresh funds by issuing short-term bonds, primarily to Greek banks, as it has recently to make up for a lack of liquidity as euro-zone member states continue to delay the release of the next tranche of emergency aid. Greek banks, for their part, finance their ailing country not only because the bonds have high yields, but also because they can deposit the bonds as collateral at Greece's central bank in return for fresh cash infusions of their own. The books of many Spanish and Italian banks are also brimming with sovereign bonds issued by their home countries. They have taken out huge amounts of cheap loans at the ECB and reinvested most of the money in sovereign bonds. The business logic behind this strategy is clear: While the ECB only charges 1 percent interest on its loans, the sovereign bonds have yields of up to 6 percent. Beware the Faustian bargains of central banks
In Goethe’s 1831 drama Faust, the devil persuades a bankrupt emperor to print and spend vast quantities of paper money as a short-term fix for his country’s fiscal problems. As a consequence, the empire ultimately unravels and descends into chaos. Today, governments that have relied on quantitative easing instead of undertaking necessary structural reforms have arguably entered into the grandest Faustian bargain in financial history. In the US, bank assets were close to 80 per cent of gross domestic product. Despite the enormity of Spain’s problem, this crisis is a refreshing change
It doesn’t involve wholesale deposits, collateralised debt obligations, or structured investment vehicles – or even an investment bank It is the kind of fiasco that always brings down banks Over-leverage, a commercial property bubble, poor supervision and hubris John Gapper, Financial Times 30 May 2012 Bank profits are up tremendously;
so where are all these increased profits coming from? Click to find the answer Banks will always blow themselves up, regulator warns Jackson Hole Paper 2 Banks, computer models and Risk Han har givit namn åt Brady Bonds, dollar-denominated bonds, issued mostly by Latin American countries in the late 1980s, a novel debt-reduction agreement for developing countries. Wikipedia LDC Debt Crisis, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico etc, remember? Jag skrev en bok om det, Den Stora bankkraschen, Timbro, 1983 Det vore synd, skrev jag, om västvärlden skulle drabbas av en djup ekonomisk kris just när Sovjetväldet håller på att vittra sönder ekonomiskt, politiskt och moraliskt. The days when a large multinational bank could borrow money from depositors – backed by a government insurance guarantee – and then lend it out to customers at a reasonable spread are gone, at least as their main source of revenues. With net margins squeezed, banks have had to reach for profits in increasingly esoteric areas, such as derivatives trading, which rely on complicated computer models and mathematical algorithms few people understand. Most of these activities boost profits by cranking up leverage, which the banks feel comfortable using because of confidence in their computer models. This computer modelling is impressive stuff. However, while these models create the appearance of mathematical certainty about the relationships between markets and the way world events will affect prices, it is essential to recognise that, at their root, these models rely on man-made assumptions about human behaviour – not iron-bound laws of nature. In addition, the behaviour of derivative markets can be episodic and illiquid at precisely the times we most need greater liquidity and confidence. No matter how sophisticated the maths or how large the data base supporting a model, no one can predict behaviour – human or market – with certainty. Inevitably, this means the formulas break down at the most critical times. Banks may have to disclose profits from carry trades derived from 1 trillion euros in ECB loans Basel Bankerna saknade 4.300 miljarder Varje gång ett viktigt förfallodatum inträffat, ända sedan euroländerna gav det första nödlånet i maj 2010, En del av Greklands statsskuld förfaller till betalning den 20 mars. Då ska femton miljarder euro betalas tillbaks till långivarna, och Grekland självt klarar inte detta. Men om euroländernas skattebetalare ställer upp med ett nödlån kan dessa pengar användas – inte till att hjälpa grekerna, men till att lösa de obligationer som förfaller den 20 mars. Det betyder att lånen i praktiken lyfts över från privata placerare (banker, försäkringsbolag, hedgefonder) till Europas skattebetalare. Om nedskrivningen skjuts upp till efter den 20 mars slipper de privata långivarna undan, och förlusten drabbar skattebetalarna i stället. Därför använder sig de privata placerarna av alla tänkbara medel för att övertyga de politiska beslutsfattarna om att nedskrivningen måste ske ”i ordnade former” – vilket betyder ”inte nu, senare”. Men sedan är det dags för ett nytt förfall av grekiska obligationer i sommar, och kan man skjuta upp nedskrivningen då också – ja, då kan de privata placerarna lasta över ytterligare en del av sina innehav på skattebetalarna. Detta har pågått i snart två år, ända sedan euroländerna gav det första nödlånet i maj 2010. Varje gång ett viktigt förfallodatum inträffat har de privata placerarna lastat av en del av sina innehav på skattebetalarna. Och fortfarande får vi efter varje toppmöte höra att nedskrivningen ska äga rum – men inte nu, utan senare, ”i ordnade former”. I dag har nästan hälften av Greklands statsskuld lyfts över på euroländernas skattebetalare, genom EU:s stödfonder EFSF och EFSM, och genom Europeiska centralbanken ECB. En del har också lyfts över på den övriga världens skattebetalare (däribland Sverige) genom Internationella Valutafonden IMF. Frågan är hur länge detta ska fortsätta. Vad finns det egentligen för ekonomiska argument för att EU eller EMU ska låna ut pengar till de medlemsländer som inte har ordning på sina statsfinanser? Vad skulle hända om vi inte ställde upp, utan i värsta fall lät exempelvis Grekland göra en ensidig nedskrivning av sina skulder med kanske tjugo eller trettio procent? Det är bankerna man räddar, inte det grekiska folket - Den stora risken var att Grekland skulle utlösa en kris i italienska, franska och tyska banker. The Violent, Scandalous Origins of JPMorgan Chase Americans like to imagine that the Founding Fathers were virtuous and civic-minded giants bestriding the continent. But many of them kept a sharp eye on the main chance, alert to opportunities for personal profit. The birth of the mega-bank JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) may be traced to two such figures: Aaron Burr, the dark star of America’s early years, and his longtime nemesis, Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury An enormous mismatch of assets and liabilities has lain Retail and private bank deposits in the US, UK, Germany, Switzerland and France have been used to support the expansion by banks such as UBS, Barclays, Société Générale, Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan into global markets. The euro was emblematic – a cross-border project supported by the political elite and by businesses about which many ordinary Europeans had doubts because they could not see what use it was to them. But they tolerated it as long as it appeared to work, just as the growth of global investment banking was regarded as irrelevant to most people’s day-to-day lives. In the cold light of day, it is not clear which is the more depressing: Bankernas stora problem: Ytan = Basen x Höjden All this is supposedly being done to save the euro. Nonsense. It's not actually about the euro. Ännu letar Europa i korrekt samtalston efter en lösning. Grälar politikerna så sker det fortfarande bakom lyckta dörrar. Denna politiska korrekthet är ett slags sista livboj. Men den har samtidigt en baksida av just förljugenhet. The 21 July agreement gives the €440bn European rescue fund discretion to use the money for bank bailouts European banks are “grossly under-capitalized” “In 2008, governments could intervene to sort out the problems of banks,” Brown said at the World Economic Forum in the Chinese port city of Dalian today. “In 2011, banks have problems, but so too do governments.” “The euro cannot survive in its present form, it’s going to have to be reformed dramatically. We are I think at an hour to midnight in the way that we look at this issue.” Regulators should stick to their commitments to implement bank capital rules agreed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision irrespective of opposition from lenders, Trichet said Basel Top of pageSociété Générale, France’s third-biggest bank, has been stirring financial markets once again on concerns about its big holdings of the debt of shaky European neighbors like Greece. Although its shares closed slightly up on Friday, Société Générale’s stock has fallen more than 40 percent since mid Svenska bankers riskabla dollarlån uppgår till 450 miljarder kronor Till skillnad mot sina europeiska konkurrenter har de svenska bankernas kunder inte särskilt mycket pengar på sina inlåningskonton. Det innebär att de svenska bankerna måste låna betydligt mer själva för att kunna låna ut pengar till kunderna. I och med bolånefesten har bankernas sårbarhet kraftigt ökat. De svenska bankerna har lånat cirka 1500 miljarder kronor med hjälp av så kallade bostadsobligationer. Mer än en tredjedel av obligationerna har sålts utomlands. Under finanskrisen tvingades svenska banker att köpa tillbaka sina egna bostadsobligationer som blev allt svårare och dyrare att omfinansiera. Utländska långivare sålde nämligen ganska snabbt svenska obligationer för 120 miljarder kronor. Det tvingade Riksbanken att agera pantbank för bankernas bostadsobligationer. Sedan krisen har bankerna lånat ytterligare 400 miljarder kronor, en siffra som fortsätter att öka. Jag vet inte varför majoriteten i Riksbankens direktion vill
Svenska banker har skulder i utländsk valuta motsvarande på 1,5 gånger Sveriges BNP Den som vill förstå hur det hänger ihop kan läsa en rapport från Riksgälden. Där konstateras att staten inte kan låta en bank gå i konkurs. Om en bank inte kan betala sina fordringsägare hamnar räkningen hos Anders Borg. De fyra storbankerna SEB, Swedbank, Nordea och Handelsbankens samlade balansomslutning (skulder och tillgångar) var vid utgången av förra året 11284 miljarder. Det kan jämföras med Sveriges BNP på 3260 miljarder. Det räcker med att en av dessa banker hamnar i stora svårigheter för att Sverige kan pensionera pratet om tigerekonomi. I Europa är det bara Schweiz, Storbritannien och Nederländerna som har en större banksektor i förhållande till ekonomins storlek än Sverige, där siffran är drygt 400 procent av BNP. Kommentar av Rolf Englund: - Krisen i banksystemet /1992/ utlöstes inte av en klassisk "bank run", utan av ett internationellt misstroende och finansieringssvårigheter på den internationella marknaden, Se även "Sverige i skuldfällan" There are a couple of things to say about Britain’s banks Den danska banken Amagerbanken har begärt sig själva i konkurs. Every intervention so far has pretended that the crisis is one of liquidity, which can be solved by making loans to the troubled banks and governments in question.
Even after Friday’s rebound, the FTSE-Eurofirst 300 banks index is 20 per cent below its February peak France’s banks have stayed flat, trading at 0.64 times. While they are so cheap, it is tempting to treat them as options on a positive outcome to the Greek crisis. Frankfurter Allgemeine; German banks have become the most exposed financial institutions in terms of government bonds from the crisis ridden euro periphery, according to news reports in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Financial Times Deutschland on the latest statistics from the Bank of International Settlement (BIS). With holdings in the magnitude of $62bn (BIS statistics are in dollars) the German banks bypassed the French financial institutions which $58bn worth of government bonds from Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. The German lead is particularly pronounced in Greece with German banks holding bonds over almost $23bn. This does not even take into account the €7.4bn held by FMS Wertmanagement which took over all the bad loans that were previously in the books of Hypo Real Estate (HRE). The irony of all this is that Germany would take the biggest hit if there was the private sector participation that Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schäuble are always asking for. German banks are among the biggest holders of eurozone sovereign debt German president and SPD chief attack bankers “The causes of the crisis have not been dealt with and we cannot say today that we have realized and effectively dealt with the dangers. Thanks to the numerous state sponsored bail-outs many of the bankers seem “to return to old habits”, Wulff went on. Whoever enjoys benefits must also be prepared to take losses, he said. Tax payers are not prepared to shoulder another multi billion bailout, he warned. SPD chief Sigmar Gabriel was even more blunt. He said the bankers were the beneficiaries of a form of “loss socialism: Whenever something fails the taxpayer jumps in”. It is hard to estimate the exact amount it will cost to recapitalise the European banking sector. I have heard a credible estimate of €100bn-€200bn. This is not a joke No public money was lost in the Fed’s emergency lending programs, Chairman Ben S. Bernanke testified to the Senate Banking Committee in July, 2010. The loans didn’t represent permanent cash given to the dealers and had to be repaid the next day. Citigroup, the nation's third-largest bank by assets, was on the verge of being closed by regulators the week of Nov. 24, 2008 US banks have been bailed out again from huge potential writeoffs by loosey-goosey accounting accepted by the accounting profession and the regulators. The statement that systemic breakdowns are surprisingly rare Inspiring words from preface of Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Jimmy Stewart is dead
Click here The destruction of wealth - that of investors, including more-or-less anyone saving for a pension - has been savage, running to tens of billions of pounds in each case. Between the beginning of 2008 and the end of 2009, the losses on loans made by Lloyds and HBOS combined were £39bn Gordon Brown: The FT has news from the Bank of International Settlements, One German bank, Depfa, an Irish-based subsidiary of HRE, accounts for much for the lending that goes on between Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Spain. Raghuram Rajan, one of the few economists to see the financial crisis coming, Prof Rajan was the International Monetary Fund’s chief economist when he warned the 2005 Jackson Hole conference of central bankers that the seeds of disaster were being sown in the financial sector. His presentation jarred with the self-congratulatory tone of the conference, Alan Greenspan’s last as chairman of the US Federal Reserve. Prof Rajan writes in the book that the critical reaction from other participants made him feel “like an early Christian who had wandered into a convention of half-starved lions”. As the third anniversary of the credit crunch approaches, I have been doing some reflecting on where I went wrong as an economist. As Raghuram Rajan of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund notes in a thought-provoking new book, the underlying “fault lines” are still with us. Do We Still Need Commercial Banks?
Raghuram G. Rajan Mervyn King says banking must be reinvented Bank of England Governor Mervyn King has attacked the 'absurd' level of risk taken on by banks The world is facing the worst financial crisis since at least the 1930s “if not ever” In contemporary banks, leverage of 30 to one is normal. Central banks should not rescue fools Svenska banker tillhör tillsammans med banker baserade i Australien, Hong Kong och Singapore de bättre kapitaliserade bankerna. Hösten 2008 var hela det finansiella systemet hotat. "Bankerna har god motståndskraft" ”Som banker fungerar i dag är den enda verkliga tillgången förtroende. We need to learn from those countries that evidently did it right. Bank runs have not recurred (after Norther Rock), in spite of the eurozone’s continuing crisis. Queues outside branches as anxious depositors at Northern Rock tried to retrieve their cash: the scenes of Friday September 14 2007 are by now firmly embedded in British banking history as one of the industry’s most shameful episodes. A run on a bank was not seemly in a modern European economy. Whatever the reasons – sweeping government guarantees in Ireland, growing confidence that the European authorities will always be there with a safety net – archetypal bank runs have not recurred, in spite of the eurozone’s continuing crisis. The banks’ undoing in Ireland and Spain – just as in the US earlier in the crisis and, to an extent, the UK too – stemmed from the same root cause: an overdeveloped, overheated and overpriced property market that since 2007 has collapsed in a heap. The supply of deposits is sadly insufficient, leaving the European Central Bank as a vital liquidity supplier of last resort. The use of its emergency facility has increased sharply in the past couple of months – much to the frustration of Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, who wants to close that window. Homeowners - the root of all evil? There was a common ingredient in most /Bank/ failures: Bear Stearns and Northern Rock, largely reliant on short-term borrowing, faced the modern version of a “run” when their counterparties refused to roll over debts. Most other banks suffered some loss of confidence, forcing them to turn to funding from the state. In America, the euro zone and Britain, central-bank lending and public guarantees of bank bonds have reached about $2.7 trillion. The collapse of Lehman Brothers has shown the havoc that can ensue when large, interconnected banks implode. After the US, the country with the biggest banking problem is probably Germany.
The decision to guarantee deposits raises large questions. If you do not understand the implications of that, you have not paid attention to what has been happening in the financial sector. I must declare an interest: members of my immediate family had money in Northern Rock. As an individual, therefore, I am pleased. As a hard-nosed commentator, I deplore it. Yet there are other and wider questions. As long as governments cannot – or will not – let ordinary depositors suffer inconvenience, moral hazard runs rife. The answer must surely include tighter regulation: more capital, perhaps an obligation to obtain long-term subordinated debt and specific liquidity requirements. ... The Global Crisis of LegitimacyThe greatest systemic risk is not an economic concept but a political one There were those who were concerned that a united Europe would exist to benefit the elites, rather than the broader public. George Friedman May 4, 2010 at John Mauldin Systemic risk emerges when it appears that the economic elite used the law's allocation of risk to enrich themselves in ways that undermined the wealth of the nation. Put another way, the crisis occurs when it appears that the financial elite used the politico-legal structure to enrich themselves through systematically imprudent behavior while those engaged in prudent behavior were harmed, with the political elite apparently taking no action to protect the victims. The crisis was rooted in the appearance that it was triggered by the behavior not of small town banks or third world countries, but of the global financial elite, who took advantage of the complexities of law to enrich themselves instead of the shareholders and clients to whom it was thought they had prior fiduciary responsibility. We see a similar crisis in Europe. The financial institutions in Europe were fully complicit in the global financial crisis. They bought and sold derivatives whose value they knew to be other than stated, the same as Americans. Though the European financial institutions have asserted they were the hapless victims of unscrupulous American firms, the Europeans were as sophisticated as their American counterparts. Their elites knew what they were doing. This goal always created unease in Europe. There were those who were concerned that a united Europe would exist to benefit the elites, rather than the broader public. There were also those who believed it was designed to benefit the Franco-German core of Europe rather than Europe as a whole. Overall, this reflected minority sentiment, but it was a substantial minority. Halting the financial doomsday machine The doomsday cycle ”Som banker fungerar i dag är den enda verkliga tillgången förtroende. Enkelt uttryckt går det ut på att varje tia som du sätter in på ett bankkonto kan banken förvandla till 90 nya kronor som den an tingen kan låna ut eller som i fallet med HQ Bank, Lehman Brothers eller Bear Sterns satsa i diverse exotiska värdepapper. Limited purpose banking beskrivs i Larry Kotlikoffs bok Jimmy Stewart is dead: ending the world’s ongoing financial plague. How to take moral hazard out of bankingNiall Ferguson and Laurence Kotlikoff, FT December 2 2009 European banks Some banks are becoming dangerously addicted to the medicine the ECB has been administering. They can easily borrow from the ecb and then invest the proceeds in higher-yielding government bonds. Banks have also reduced the maturity profile of their own borrowing, rather than paying higher rates for safer longer-term funds. When all banks make the same decision this is a form of collective madness because it makes the system vulnerable to market disruptions. Moody’s, a ratings agency, notes that the average lifespan of new bank debt has fallen to its lowest level in at least 30 years. Trading, alltså en bank som för egen räkning köper och säljer värdepapper för att tjäna pengar Nine European banks have balance sheets that are larger than the GDP of their country. The Volcker rule – that deposit-taking banks would not be able to engage in proprietary trading, or to own hedge funds or private equity firms – is the first time any government has proposed a sensible structural remedy for the problems created by bailing out banks in 2008. Royal Bank of Scotland Världen har kommit in i en superkonjunktur Till optimistlägret hör också Andrew McLaughlin, chefsekonom på Royal Bank of Scotland, och Anatole Kaletsky, tidigare finansredaktör på Financial Times och The Times. Bank of England provided almost 62 billion pounds (USD 102.9 billion) in emergency loans As a result of Lehman’s bankruptcy, millions of people have needlessly lost their jobs, hundreds of thousands of homes have been needlessly repossessed and trillions of dollars, pounds and euros have been needlessly added to the debt burdens of governments around the world. Why a Lehman deal would not have saved us The Bank of England is examining whether Britain's biggest banks should News that such a move is under discussion at such a high level will send fresh shudders through the UK banking sector, still reeling from the fallout of toxic debt and the credit crunch. It seems that hedge funds have been designated for ritual sacrifice, even though they played no more than a cameo role in the genesis of this crisis.
/Bank/ Nationalisation carries risks, but As The Economist went to press, the government was in talks with Citigroup over what would in essence be partial nationalisation: the conversion into common equity of a chunk of its preferred stock, obtained in return for pumping capital into Citi last year. This would give it a stake of up to 40%—eight times the holding of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the most influential existing shareholder—and voting power to match. "As president Ronald Reagan’s secretary of the Treasury, I abhor the idea of government ownership.
Beginning in 1990, Japan suffered a collapse in real estate and stock market prices that pushed major banks into insolvency. Rather than follow America’s tough recommendation – and close or recapitalise these banks – Japan took an easier approach. It kept banks marginally functional through explicit or implicit guarantees and piecemeal government bail-outs. US may be repeating Japan’s mistake by viewing our current banking crisis as one of liquidity and not solvency. Most proposals advanced thus far assume that, once confidence in financial markets is restored, banks will recover. As president Ronald Reagan’s secretary of the Treasury, I abhor the idea of government ownership – either partial or full – even if only temporary. Unfortunately, we may have no choice. But we must be very careful. The true balance sheet of US Investment banks John McCain: (not Naomi Klein) Yankee bonds Goldman Sachs and other banks should give up their bank status if they want to avoid the ban on proprietary trading proposed by the White House, Bankerna är ett oligopol som tjänar enorma pengar på att ge dyra lån till företagen. Baselkommittén – De svenska bankernas skuldsättning kommer framstå som enormt hög. Yankee bonds Dutch insurer Aegon said it may buy a small U.S. thrift company We're All Banks Now American Express to Be Bank Holding Company The end of American capitalism as we knew it Do We Still Need Commercial Banks? Låneboomen förvärrades av ett beslut 2004 från den amerikanska finansinspektionen, SEC, att låta de fem investmentbankerna låna ut 40 gånger volymen av det egna kapitalet (mot tidigare 12). Detta regleringsbeslut var katastrofalt. Tre av de fem har nu gått omkull och utlöst en total förtroendekollaps. (Inom parentes kan noteras att John McCain har varit en ledande reformförespråkare rörande såväl SEC som Fannie och Freddie, medan Barack Obama är den senator som fått störst kampanjbidrag från F&F). Beginning in 1992, Congress pushed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase their purchases of mortgages going to low and moderate income borrowers. How we have learned the limits to free markets – the hard way The truth is that absolutely free markets and high finance don't mix. Unrestricted financial markets become a machine for blowing bubbles which endanger the stability of the economic system – and threaten capitalism itself. The economics of the corner shop are not the same as the economics of complex derivatives. How U.S. banks sold home equity loans Credit crunch a year on: The losers Total bank exposure to the US sub-prime mortgage market, whose collapse infected wider credit markets and triggered an almost overnight liquidity drought, is still far from clear. The Federal Reserve has put the cost to the bottom line of banks and other lenders of their sub-prime misadventures at $100bn. Taking into account other failed mortgage loans, devalued mortgage-backed securities and general bad debts, the International Monetary Fund said potential losses could top $945bn. It is almost exactly a year since the European Central Bank was forced to inject €95bn into the eurozone banking system Banks with federally insured deposits, which are limited in the risks they’re allowed to take and the amount of leverage they can take on — have been pushed aside by unregulated financial players.
I Danmark tvingas nu Nationalbanken, alltså landets riksbank, att ingripa för att hindra Roskilde Bank att gå omkull. : Nationalbanken och en bankorganisation, bildad för att just ta hand om banker i svårigheter, tar över. Det kommer att kosta omkring 5,5 miljarder kronor. Bankernas problem har bland annat sin bakgrund i den negativa utvecklingen på den danska fastighetsmarknaden där huspriserna stadigt är på väg neråt och har varit så en längre tid. Det tillsammans med dålig kreditvärdering ger bankerna förluster.
De nordiska bankerna har tillsammans en utlåning på 450 miljarder kronor i Baltikum. Misslyckat försök göra en pudel Most people have noticed that when the music stopped – as Chuck Prince might have put it – some of the dance partners left the floor with their pockets stuffed with cash, while others went home to lock up the houses they no longer owned and post the keys back to the bankers. By accepting much of the blame and proposing various measures to get its house in order, the banking industry hopes to avoid further regulation. It will not succeed. The political atmosphere has become too febrile for that: the mob is at the gates baying for justice. Fed bailout of Bear Stearns Contrary to popular belief, the stock market crash of 1929 wasn’t the defining moment of the Great Depression. Mr. Bernanke and his colleagues at the Fed are doing all they can to end that vicious circle. We can only hope that they succeed. Otherwise, the next few years will be very unpleasant — not another Great Depression, hopefully, but surely the worst slump we’ve seen in decades.
The financial system is a subsidiary of the state. Banks are machines for taking liquidity risk. Like a 1930s bank run Bankers, like gangs, just get carried away Groups routinely demonstrate behaviour that few if any members would choose to adopt as individuals. Look at teenage gangs, soccer hooligans, religious zealot Before the mysteries of structured credit there were the mysteries of witchcraft; before investment banks used initial public offerings to turn dotcom concepts into billions of dollars alchemists claimed to turn base metals into gold. Shared values and beliefs create a group identity. No matter that the beliefs may be absurd or the values contemptible: that Salem was not besieged by witches, the US was not threatened by communist infiltration, that greed is not good and that suicide bombers will not be greeted in paradise by 71 virgins. The very improbability of the belief, the unacceptability of the values, reinforces their social function; these factors distinguish the real members of the group from the less committed. *
It is only halfway through November but I think we can already declare the winner of the 2007 Quote of the Year competition. Människan är ett flockdjur. Det förklarar kanske vårt intresse för Paris Hilton? The Rising Risk of a Systemic Financial Meltdown: A fundamental question arises: If the US suffers a recession in 2008 or 2009 it will not be due to an industrial decline or an oil price shock. It will be a recession that began in the financial system. The response of the general public is confusion, tinged with horror, at how intangible finance can impinge on their daily lives. The rogue trader who cost SocGen €5bn - FT Bankerna har uppträtt vårdslöst de senaste tio åren och har riskerat allas välfärd. Vem som helst kunde få vilket lån de ville så sent som för tre år sedan. Rogue Trader (Paperback)by Nick Leeson - Amazon Nobody wants to see a repeat of the 1930s when bank failures ushered in the Depression. While the authorities are happy to leave banks alone when times are good, they are quick to intervene at the first hint of crisis. The moral hazard is clear; it is not just rogue traders, such as Jérôme Kerviel at Société Générale, who are given huge incentives to take risk. Their bosses are too. One might well describe investment banks as hedge funds backed by an implicit government guarantee. Two points shine out about the financial system over the past three decades: The bigger point still, however, concerns macro-prudential regulation. As William White of the Bank for International Settlement has noted, banks almost always get into trouble together. Central banks create an upward-sloping yield curve whenever banks are decapitalised, thereby offering a direct transfer to any institution able to borrow at the low rate and lend at the higher one. A financial sector that generates vast rewards for insiders and repeated crises for hundreds of millions of innocent bystanders is, I would argue, politically unacceptable in the long run. Förra året tjänade de fyra storbankerna drygt 91 miljarder kronor Anders Borg kräver omedelbara reduceringar av bolåneräntorna. European Union states have underwritten their financial sectors SEB:s vd Annika Falkengren Kreditförluster har också slutat att existera inom SEB och istället får banken nu tillbaka pengar som tidigare har klassats som förlorade. En del av förklaringen är att det går bättre i Baltikum för SEB. Full text*
SEB:s vd Annika Falkengren avstår från sin bonus för 2008. But bank profits are up tremendously; so where are all these increased profits coming from? By the way, what ever happened to all those Toxic Assets that were on the banks' books? Oh, they no longer count since they do not have to mark to market anymore Thanks to Ben Bernanke, banks can borrow as much as they want for practically nothing Det finns jätterisker att det inte fungerar. Tyska och brittiska banker har stora fordringar på Irland One can interpret the intransigence of the German government and its EU allies in two ways. Alternatively, policy makers in Germany – and in France and Britain – are scared to death over what Ireland restructuring its bank debt would do to their own banking systems. If so, the appropriate response is not to lend to Ireland – to pile yet more debt on the country’s existing debt – but to properly capitalize their own banking systems so that the latter can withstand the inevitable Irish restructuring. The two largest creditors to Ireland are /banks in/ the UK and Germany, The key issue in Europe now is not the merits of the single currency but the parlous state of its banking system. För att räkna ut den verkliga avkastning som tillexempel en köpare av statsobligationer får på sina utlånade pengar brukar man tala om realränta, det vill säga räntan justerad för inflation. The unpopularity of very low interest rates leads to what is known in financial circles as “the search for yield”. Today’s rock-bottom yields, however, have less to do with disinflation and more to do with providing fuel for an asset-based economy that promotes unsustainable wealth creation and a false confidence in perpetual capital gains. Are zero interest rates a subsidy to banks? In a Vox column, Axel Leijonhufvud argues that low Central Bank interest rates are an implicit subsidy for banks, which can borrow money for free and place it in on interest-earning treasuries, thus making a profit. This policy of implicit subsidy, at the expense of the taxpayer, is pursued in order to recapitalize the banks without having to take an equity stake (a politically costly move). Paul Krugman answers that low (short-term) interest rates are not necessarily a subsidy: a bank borrowing from Fed to buy long term treasuries earns more than it pays, but immobilizes money for longer. Both authors agree, though, that there is downside risk to this strategy: a return to normal interest rates could trigger losses, and optimistic numbers on bank earnings may not be taking sufficiently that possibility into account. Full textThe two pioneers of modern monetary economics – Irving Fisher and Knut Wicksell – were passionately concerned to find monetary arrangements that would insure against arbitrary redistributions of income and wealth. They saw such distributive effects as offenses against social justice and consequently as a threat to social and political stability. Fisher and Wicksell thought that price level stability was a sufficient condition for avoiding distributive effects. In this they were in error. A hundred years later, the motivating concern for their work has long since disappeared from monetary economics. But the error survives. For example: The Fed is supplying the banks with reserves at a near-zero rate.
For the last 20 or 30 years, political independence of central banks has been a popular idea among academic economists and, of course, heartily endorsed by central bankers. Such independence has not been much in evidence in the recent crisis. But central banks would very much like to restore their independence. The independence doctrine, however, is predicated on the distributional neutrality of their policies. Once it is realised that monetary policy can have all sorts of distributional effects, the independence doctrine becomes impossible to defend in a democratic society. Eurozone banks have rushed to take out The ECB said 523 banks asked for the funds, which will be lent The scale of Wednesday's bail-out for eurozone banks by Draghi's European Central Bank (ECB) should simply confirm worst fears. * Bankernas bolånemarginaler har ökat kraftigt. Interest rate cuts work their way through to the real economy by a number of transmission channels. The first, second and third beneficiaries of the Federal Reserve’s pending helicopter drop of cash will be banks, not ordinary people or companies. Cui bono - En kund sa till mig, ”förr lånade jag till 14 procent, i dag lånar jag till 3-4 procent. Och jag är mer orolig i dag”.
How to solve the financial crisis? The gap between short-term interest rates and long-term bond yields is extraordinarily high.
That allows banks, in particular, to borrow at low rates from the central banks and invest the proceeds in government debt; In fact, banks have virtually ceased to function as financial intermediaries since 2008, preferring to use the zero cost of money provided by the Fed to finance purchases of Treasury securities instead of supplying loans to households and small businesses. *
Transmission channels Wall Street bonuses fell to $33.2bn, the New York state comptroller said. De fem största amerikanska investmentbankerna har betalat bonusar om totalt 39 miljarder dollar, This huge monetary expansion perpetrated by the Federal Reserve has contributed to the biggest speculation in every conceivable asset category and has been accompanied by unprecedented hubris, greed and outright fraud. In 2007 there was one economic event of such overwhelming significance that it dwarfed all the others - the credit crunch. - Who was to blame?, Roger Bootle The collapse of the modern day banking system, Mike Whitney Most estimates put the eventual tally for defaults by America’s subprime borrowers at $200 billion-300 billion, The Economist Foreign funds lead $21bn US bank rescue Citigroup and Merrill Lynch turned to foreign investors for an unprecedented bail-out on Tuesday, saying they would raise a total of $21.1bn in fresh capital – mainly from outside the US – to shore up balance sheets devastated by the subprime mortgage crisis. Citigroup also unnerved investors by warning of losses to come from consumer loans as it revealed a 40 per cent dividend cut, a $9.83bn fourth-quarter loss, $18bn in subprime-related credit writedowns and remaining exposure of $37bn to subprime mortgages. Citi, Merrill Lynch and UBS could face $10 billion in further writedowns tied to last week’s downgrade of bond insurers Ambac and MBIA, S&P downgrades Ambac, MBIA If September 11, 2001 was the day that we had to reassess our ideas about America's role in world politics, Lehman bondholders could lose $110bn Why the Fannie and Freddie bail out should not be repeated in Britain With one bound, they were free. The pound plunged, interest rates dropped - and the roof did not fall in. Last week, as the British Government floundered and the credit crunch ground on, the US government effectively nationalised 50pc of the mortgage market and in the process increased the US government debt by 40pc of gross domestic product. And the markets did not blink - or rather, they smiled. Nightmare on Wall Street Lehman Bros files for bankruptcy What if Lehman files for bankruptcy and nothing much happens? Street Prepares for Worst As Lehman Deal Stalls Still others can't believe there won't be a last minute compromise. One person with knowledge of Sunday's deliberation's called it "a big game of chicken" with all sides digging in their heels. ![]() Barclays has pulled out of talks to buy most of Lehman Brothers, the BBC has learned. Lehman Brothers' stock, which fell another 13.5% Friday, is down 94% so far this year. Lehman Brothers Barclays was last night considering a direct plea from Hank Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, to assemble a cut-price rescue bid for Lehman Brothers Paulson, the former head of Goldman Sachs, has urged Barclays and a number of other large financial institutions to intervene in the Lehman crisis, which is threatening the future of one of Wall Street's most venerated businesses.
Lehman Brothers plunged 45% - its shares ended down $6.36 to $7.79 Can Lehman raise the capital it needs?
Lehman Brothers is raising $6bn, expects a $2.8bn loss The bank's public offering of common stock and convertible preferred stock will be aimed at mainly US investors, analysts said. - UBS balansomslutning är nästan fem gånger så stor som Schweiz BNP UBS tillhör den grupp banker som gjort de allra största förlusterna på bolånekrisen i USA. Och banken har tentakler i hela det globala finanssystemet, vilket gör att en kollaps skulle få stora konsekvenser överallt, även i Sverige. UBS will raise 6bn Swiss francs ($5.3bn) from the Swiss government. Credit Suisse also said that the Qatar Investment Authority was among the group of global investors that had helped the bank to shore up its finances. UBS reported a loss of $329m for the April to June period, despite hopes it might break even in the quarter. UBS seeks $15.1B in new capital UBS writedowns have reached a staggering $40 billion in the past nine months, the largest reported by any bank to date. Switzerland's Federal Banking Commission (EBK) is to investigate how UBS became one of the banking sector's worst victims of the credit crunch, BBC UBS faces rebellion over fund injection, FT How foreigners are buying up our banks It's not too harsh to conclude now, in fact, that bankers essentially threw away their families' life savings on reckless real-estate gambles and that with their shares down 50%-plus and their capital bases in tatters, they're now lying in the proverbial gutter begging for a hand from passers-by. Brother, can you spare a billion? The purchases were made via convertible securities that pay stunning yields of 9% and 11%, which essentially classify UBS and Citigroup as junk-bond-level credits. A mere 5.4% decline in the value of Citigroup's assets would make Citigroup insolvent. This isn't just a mortgage or housing crisis. What we are witnessing is essentially the breakdown of our modern day banking system, Goldman Sachs, began reducing its inventory of mortgages and mortgage securities late last year.
Why Do Financial Firms Take Too Much Risk? The Next Dominos: Banks Gone Wild It is only halfway through November but I think we can already declare the winner of the 2007 Quote of the Year competition. It is Chuck Prince, the former chairman and chief executive of Citigroup. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. plans to file a civil suit against at least three former Washington Mutual executives, Washington Mutual JPMorgan Chase will acquire deposits and some branches Under the government take-over, the value of WaMu’s common equity and preferred shares would be wiped out Under the deal, which was shepherded by federal banking regulators, JPMorgan Chase will acquire all the banking operations of the Seattle-based WaMu, as well as its assets and financial contracts. The Office of Thrift Supervision shut down the bank on Thursday and named the FDIC as receiver. WaMu is the 13th bank to fail so far this year. WaMu är en S&L - en släkting till Swedbank Washington Mutual - What the heck's happening to our financial system? The most sobering thought about the credit crunch so far is that it's happened without anything approaching a recession. Difficulties in the financial system could slow the economy and that in turn that would create new losses at the banks.
What we saw this summer is something we've seen before and will undoubtedly see again. The sell-off was predictable and avoidable. A mere 5.4% decline in the value of Citigroup's assets would make Citigroup insolvent. The US subprime lending fiasco and its repercussions on Northern Rock have brought back questions about the banking system - questions such as “What is a bank?” and “What is money?” The US subprime lending fiasco and its repercussions on Northern Rock and international credit markets in general have brought back questions about the banking system that most macroeconomists had hoped were over and long forgotten. The confidence of what are called, rather disdainfully, “retail depositors” is not the only problem of the world monetary system, but it is still the bedrock on which everything else stands. Outside the US, deposit insurance is rarely complete and there are usually delays before reliable cheques denominated in central bank money duly arrive. In the UK it is only since October 1 this year that the Financial Services Compensation Scheme has been extended to cover eligible deposits of up to £35,000 and the new official discussion paper leaves open the possibility of raising the amount. But the implications of sweeping guarantees have not been digested. They have the dubious feature of bringing questions such as “What is a bank?” and “What is money?” into practical politics. In fact, the fractional reserve system was severely queried by some US economists in the aftermath of the Great Depression when one-quarter of the US money stock disappeared almost overnight – a more important event than the better-known 1929 stock exchange crash. Henry Simons, author of A Positive Program for Laissez Faire, proposed the creation of pure deposit-taking institutions holding 100 per cent reserves whose assets had to be held in currency or Federal Reserve deposits. So, barring a break-up of the US or similar disasters, a depositor could always get his or her money back and quickly. Other financial institutions, whether or not called banks, would carry on paying interest and looking for more profitable investments. But the ordinary citizen would know that he was on his own if he invested in them and learn that higher returns came with higher risk. We urgently need a more open approach than that of the City of London figures who oppose bail-outs and government support for all other industries but condemn the Bank of England for not doing secret deals to rescue threatened financial institutions. How do the big banks differ from Northern Rock? Sir, I would like to thank the FT for your reports on the issues relating to the credit crunch and its potential impact on the global economy. In particular I was shocked to read about special investment vehicles (SIVs) and “SIV-lites”, off-balance-sheet vehicles used by big banks essentially to circumvent banking regulations on maintaining reserves against lendings, and sound liquidity management, such as not covering long-term commitments with short-term fundings, which everyone with a little bit of knowledge would know is risky to the survival of a bank. What is the difference between the big banks and Northern Rock? Now a more shocking development is the talk about creating a seeming master SIV by the big banks endorsed by the US Treasury. How could the banks be allowed to perpetuate such self-destructive activities, which the SIVs and SIV-lites have proven to be? The public sector subsidises the banks risk-taking. It does so because banks provide a utility. Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, The “Minsky moment” in financial markets – the point where credit supply starts to dry up, The decision to guarantee deposits raises large questions. Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, For decisions on how to intervene in markets, however, Mr King bears responsibility. The only reason for intervening, then, would be “strong grounds for believing that the absence of ex post insurance would lead to economic costs on a scale sufficient to ignore the moral hazard in future.” Since then Mr King must have decided that the threat to the financial system posed by the unwillingness of banks to lend had become too dangerous. By advancing three-month money against mortgagecollateral,the Bank has, as a result, abandoned two of its principles for acting as lender of last resort. Consider, not least, that banks exposed themselves to the risk of illiquidity from which they expect a public rescue, at no charge. Mr King’s “mistake” – what critics call his “inflexibility” – was the view that banks should no more enjoy a rescue than other businesses. Fortunately, the Bank’s provision of liquidity is not yet free. Let Mr King stick to his guns on the penalty. If not, still more dangerous crises will come. |