"The Crisis was caused by tens-of-years of mismanagement".
Not surprisingly, the group of people arguing along these line consists of
the people who was in charge of the swedish economy during the years
1988-1992, people like
Carl Bildt, Prime Minister 1991-1994
Hans Bergström, Editor of Dagens Nyheter
Staffan Burenstam-Linder, loyal supporter of Carl Bildt, at the time Head of the Board fo the Central Bank, now leader of the Swedish Conservative Group in the European Parliament.
Urban Bäckström, Head of the Central Bank, formerly Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance 1992, under Bo Lundgren, Minister of Taxes and Banks
Lars Calmfors, economist.
Dagens Nyheter, leading supporter of the Norm Policy, fixed exchange rate and EMU.
Bengt Dennis, then Head of the Swedish Central Bank, now adviser to Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken.
Dagens Industri leading financial daily
Klas Eklund, economist, now adviser to Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, earlier adviser to Olof Palme.
Kjell-Olof Feldt, Minister of Finance 1982-1990, now Head of the Board of the Central Bank.
Carl B. Hamilton, former secretary of State of the Ministry of Finance, now chief economic spokesperson of the Liberal Party.
Lars Heikensten, vice head of the Central Bank, formerly at the Ministry of Finance
Janerik Larsson: arbetskraftskostnaderna inklusive arbetsgivaravgifterna. Att denna kostnad fördubblats under 80-talet är huvudförklaringen till den svenska krisen.
Lars Leijonborg now leader of The Liberal Party - Folkpartiet
Lundgren, Bo f.d. bankminister
Ulf Nilsson, famous journalist.
Svante Nycander, former Editor of Dagens Nyheter
Mona Sahlin, leading social democrat feminist populist minister
Nils-Eric Sandberg, liberal editorial writer at Dagens Nyheter
Mats Svegfors, editor of Svenska Dabladet, usually a wise guy.
Svenska Dagbladet, at the time leading supporter of the Norm Policy, and the defence of the fixed exchange rate. Now in favour of floating and staunch critic of the EMU.
Hans Tson Södeström, leading proponent of the Norm Policy and the fixed exchane rate.
Lars Tobisson, loyal supporter of Carl Bildt. Earlier member of the Board of Götabanken, Gota Bank, which crasched.
Bengt Westerberg, former leader of the Liberal Party. Deputy Prime Minister under Carl Bildt. Offered to support the Government of Göran Persson. Now vice chairman of the Board of the Central Bank. Supporter of the EMU.
Anne Wibble, Minster of Finance under Carld Bildt. Now in retirement at the Confederation of Swedish Industry.
Anne Wibble i boken Två cigg och en kopp kaffe (highly recommended)
Erik Åsbrink, now Minister of Finance, earlier Head of the Board of the Central Bank.